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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Aliens in Sri Lanka???

Scientists claim they've got fossilized proof of alien lifeforms

(We only know lot of Alien thuggers  from UN/USA/EU - mine)
"Wickramasinghe is a fervent proponent of [panspermia]. Like, really fervent. So much so that he attributes everything to life in space," Plait wrote. "He's claimed living cells found in the stratosphere come from space. (There is no evidence at all they do, and it's far more likely they are terrestrial). ... Wickramasinghe jumps on everything, with little or no evidence, and says it's from outer space, so I think there's a case to be made for a bias on his part."

The above image was taken from an electron microscope's view of a meteorite found last month in Sri Lanka. According to Chandra Wickramasinghe, the director of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K., that wormlike shape in the image is a diatom ("a type of microscopic plant life"), and if his research is correct, it came from outer space.
In studying the meteorite Wickramasinghe and his colleagues found "a microstructure and morphology characteristic of a wide class of terrestrial diatoms," and "the presence of structures of this kind in any extraterrestrial setting could be construed as unequivocal proof of biology." In other words, these fossils match similar lifeforms found on Earth, but because they were found on a meteorite, the researchers believes they didn't come from Earth. So Wickramasinghe and company believe they've found definite proof of at least microscopic forms of life in outer space.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Killing innocent Rizana - video

This is not clear enough to claim the same killing.


Killing of Sri Lankan maid in Saudi - Wiki

Wiki info

Rizana Nafeek (4 February 1988 – 9 January 2013) was a Sri Lankan woman who was executed by beheading in Saudi Arabia for a homicide, which Nafeek argued was unintentional. Nafeek said that an initial confession was made under duress and without linguistic assistance.[2] Sri Lanka unsuccessfully sought clemency for Nafeek.

Early life

Nafeek was born on 4 February 1988.[3][4][5][6] She grew up in a poor Muslim family in the eastern province of Sri Lanka. Her education was terminated in her early teenage years due to poverty.

[edit]Employment in Saudi Arabia

Nafeek was only 17 years old when she arrived to work in Saudi Arabia on 4 May 2005. Her passport was forged to mark the birth year as 1982, because minors were not allowed to be recruited in Sri Lanka for work abroad. She began work as a domestic helper in Dawadamissa, some 400 kilometers from Riyadh. On 22 May 2005, her employer's infant child died while in Nafeek's care. Nafeek said that she believed the baby had choked on a bottle by accident during feeding.[7][8][9][10] The baby's parents and Saudi police insisted that Nafeek was guilty of murder.[11]

[edit]Death sentence

Nafeek was imprisoned and sentenced to death on 16 June 2007. The President of Sri Lanka twice personally requested a pardon for Nafeek from theKing of Saudi Arabia. Human rights activists held many demonstrations calling for her release.[12] In October 2010, according to a senior official of Sri Lanka's External Affairs Ministry, Charles, Prince of Wales, appealed to the Saudi King, seeking clemency for Nafeek.[13] The Hong Kong-basedAsian Human Rights Commission appealed for Queen Elizabeth II to intervene and plead for clemency for Nafeek on Her Majesty's diamond jubilee.[14]


Nafeek was executed by beheading on 9 January 2013, despite an appeal from the government of Sri Lanka.[15][16][17][18][19]


The Sri Lankan Parliament observed a moment of silence soon after it received the news of the execution.[20] UNP, the main opposition party of Sri Lanka, held a special media briefing hours after the execution. In that media briefing the opposition MP Ranjan Ramanayake described the Saudi government as "dictators" and emphasized that the Saudi government never executes citizens of rich European or North American countries but only the citizens from poor Asian and African countries.[15]
The case of Rizana Nafeek has come under intense scrutiny worldwide as international law prohibits the death penalty for crimes committed before the age of 18.[15]

[edit]See also

(CNN) -- A young Sri Lankan woman has been beheaded with a sword in a small, dusty town in Saudi Arabia, thousands of miles from the lush jungles and idyllic beaches of the country where she grew up.
Rizana Nafeek arrived in Saudi Arabia in 2005 and spent her first few weeks in Saudi Arabia working as a housemaid to earn money to support her relatives back home who had been displaced by the massive tsunami in the Indian Ocean the year before.
She then spent the next seven years in Saudi jails as she was accused, charged, convicted and sentenced to death in the killing of her employers' 4-month-old son. Authorities executed her Wednesday in Dawadmi, about 200 kilometers west of the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Lankawe Kunu Kanda
Divaina feature

රටේ කුණු එකතු කිරීමේ රාජකාරියට අව් වැසි බලපෑමක්‌ නැත. දවස්‌ 365 හේම කුණු එකතු කිරීම නගර සභාවේ අනිවාර්ය රාජකාරියක්‌ ද වේ. ලංකාවේ වෙනත් නගර සභාවලට කෙසේ වෙතත් කොළඹ නගර සභාවට මෙය ඉතා භාරදූර කර්තව්‍යයකි. මන්ද, කොළඹ නගරයේ දිනකට එකතු වන කුණු ප්‍රමාණය විශාල බැවිනි. එහෙයින්ම දිනපතා කොළඹ අවට කුණු එකතු කිරීම සඳහා කොළඹ නගර සභාව විසින් පෞද්ගලික අංශය ද සම්බන්ධ කර ගනිමින් එම වගකීමෙන් 70% ක කොටසක්‌ පෞද්ගලික අංශයට පවරා ඇත.

පෞද්ගලික සමාගම් දෙකක්‌ ඇතුළුව කුණු ලොරි 97 ක්‌, කුණු ට්‍රැක්‌ටර් 21 සහ සේවක සේවිකාවන් 1600 ක්‌ පමණ කොළඹ නගර සභාව දිනපතා කුණු එකතු කිරීමේ රාජකාරියට යොදවා ඇත. 

කොළඹ නගර සභාව කුණු එකතු කිරීමේ යොදවා ඇති බොහෝ වාහන මීට වසර විස්‌සකට පෙරදී කොළඹ නගර සභාවට ජෙයිකා ආයතනය විසින් 'පිනට දුන්' වාහනය. දැන් ඒ ලොරි රථ මෙන්ම ට්‍රැක්‌ටර් රථ ද කුණුවලටම ක්‍ෂය වී ගොස්‌ රෝගී තත්ත්වයට පත්ව ඇත. එමෙන්ම කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ පවිත්‍ර සේවයෙන් විශ්‍රාම යන සේවක සේවිකාවන් වෙනුවට නැවත ස්‌ථිරවම සේවක සේවිකාවන් බඳවාගැනීමක්‌ සිදු කර නැත. බඳවාගෙන සිටින සේවක සේවිකාවන් ද තවමත් සිටින්නේ කොන්ත්‍රාත් පදනම මතය. මෙවැනි හේතු නිසා කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ සමස්‌ත ඝන අපද්‍රව්‍ය අංශයම දැඩි අර්බුදකාරී තත්ත්වයට පත් වෙමින් තිබේ. අර්බුද ගැන කතා කළොත් නිමක්‌ නැත. දැන් අපි නගර සභාවේ කුණු එකතු කරන මිනිසුන්ගේ ජීවිත ගැන කතා කරමු.