Scientists claim they've got fossilized proof of alien lifeforms
(We only know lot of Alien thuggers from UN/USA/EU - mine)
"Wickramasinghe is a fervent proponent of [panspermia]. Like, really fervent. So much so that he attributes everything to life in space," Plait wrote. "He's claimed living cells found in the stratosphere come from space. (There is no evidence at all they do, and it's far more likely they are terrestrial). ... Wickramasinghe jumps on everything, with little or no evidence, and says it's from outer space, so I think there's a case to be made for a bias on his part."

The above image was taken from an electron microscope's view of a meteorite found last month in Sri Lanka. According to Chandra Wickramasinghe, the director of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K., that wormlike shape in the image is a diatom ("a type of microscopic plant life"), and if his research is correct, it came from outer space.
In studying the meteorite Wickramasinghe and his colleagues found "a microstructure and morphology characteristic of a wide class of terrestrial diatoms," and "the presence of structures of this kind in any extraterrestrial setting could be construed as unequivocal proof of biology." In other words, these fossils match similar lifeforms found on Earth, but because they were found on a meteorite, the researchers believes they didn't come from Earth. So Wickramasinghe and company believe they've found definite proof of at least microscopic forms of life in outer space.